Worship Every Sunday @ 10:00
We exist to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus in Kenosha and beyond
(Matthew 28: 18-20)
Life Groups create a space for adults to intentionally share their lives with others, to encourage each other through the highs and lows of life, and to grow spiritually individually and collectively as a group.
We can do so much more together!
Serving is a great way to get connected with others and make a difference.
Joshua Gutteridge
With over 18 years of experience in pastoral ministry, Pastor Josh excels at expository Bible teaching with life-application, equipping members of the church to discover their ministry, and casting a vision for the local church to be a safe gospel-centered community for the whole family. Pastor Josh has a BA in Theology from Moody Bible Institute and a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He and his wife have four daughters. In his spare time you will find Josh hanging out with “Cheri-Baby” (his wife of 28 years), laughing with his daughters (the A-Team), reading books, playing guitar, playing golf, or watching a documentary.
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